
Renee Dubeau




October News: A New Release and Where to Find Me this Fall.

As September comes to an end, I'd like to draw your attention to some special content on Medium. I've started sharing my family's suicide story in hopes to raise awareness for families and young people. The ripple effect that happens when someone dies in this tragic way is unimaginable. Breaking the ice on this heavy conversation isn't easy, but it can literally be lifesaving. If you or someone you love is having thoughts of suicide, please call 988 for support. Don't wait.

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Where did “You Are Important” come from?

I live in an affluent little bubble in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee. The poverty and hunger here are well hidden, tucked away behind strip malls and subdivisions with cul-de-sacs and swimming pools. But, if you pay attention, you’ll see... Continue Reading →

Walking My Talk, Even When I Don’t Wanna.

Our lives have been mostly consumed with wedding planning for the past couple months. We had a beautiful wedding, with all of our most favorite people there to celebrate with us. We spent a glorious week in Jamaica for the... Continue Reading →

I Made a Thing.

They say when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. They also say that writers should avoid clichés, but this one really works for me... There are lots of ways to make lemonade- to focus on the positive, to... Continue Reading →

How NaNoWriMo helped me get my $hit Together

I was certain that it wasn't humanly possible to write that many words in a month anyway. He was crazy for even trying, right? Who does that?

Going back to my Roots…

I'm spending the day clicking down memory lane. It's time for me to gather my little stories and give them to the world in book form. I'm just amazed looking back on Dysfunction Diaries. I had no idea where it... Continue Reading →

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