
Renee Dubeau




I Remember what I Wanted to be when I Grow up.

I believe it was in the third grade. My teacher passed out paper and crayons to the whole class and gave us one simple assignment. We were to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grew... Continue Reading →

Going back to my Roots…

I'm spending the day clicking down memory lane. It's time for me to gather my little stories and give them to the world in book form. I'm just amazed looking back on Dysfunction Diaries. I had no idea where it... Continue Reading →

Can’t You Write About Something Else?

"What do you want to do, write for MAD Magazine?" my dad asked.  Concern on his brow.  Disapproval in his tone.  "Why can't you write about something else?" I shrugged.  I thought it was funny.  My fifth grade teacher, however,... Continue Reading →

The End of an Era

The time has come for me to retire my first blog, Dysfunction Diaries.  It's a bittersweet decision for me. I started that site about eight years ago. It was vulgar, irreverent, and usually hilarious. It's where my writing career began-... Continue Reading →

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